Latest Past Events

Moxie Bald Privy Build

Kennebec District

We're building a new privy at the Moxie Bald campsite, and need your help! We might also be finishing boating materials to the campsite if we don't finish on June 1. Those of you involved in past projects can attest to the camaraderie, satisfaction, and good fun with these projects!

Moxie Bald Privy Site Prep and Materials Boating

Kennebec District

We're building a new privy at Moxie Bald campsite, and need your help! On June 1 we'll do the site prep including felling a couple of trees, digging to get a flat surface, and installing the base 4x6s. We'll also boat some of the materials to the campsite (as long as we find a boat; let us know if you have one!). We want to get the site primed for the build on June 22-23!