Work Trips Calendar

Join MATC members in “old fashion work trips” that could involve anything from building lean-tos and privies, to relocating trail sections, to painting blazes, to helping with corridor monitoring, to helping with Spring Clean-up on the AT.

Build Tent Platforms at Black Brook

We're building two tent platforms at the Black Brook campsite on October 12th; your help is welcome! Access is only 0.1 miles from the South Arm Road, but we'll need to cross Black Brook so if the water is high it might be challenging; if it's too high we'll reschedule.

Find out more
Baldpate District,

Gulf Hagas Ridgerunner Packout

Our summer ridge-runner is packing up their "home" for the season, and we need some help getting out supplies and equipment. Volunteers should meet at the Katahdin Iron Works gatehouse at 8:30 or the Gulf Hagas parking lot at 9:00.

Find out more
White Cap District,