MATC Trading Post

Guide Books, Maps, Patches & Pins
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Official Guide to the Appalachian Trail in Maine

New – Sixteenth edition, published in 2021. Softbound, printed on all-weather plastic paper.
The Maine edition covers 282 miles from Katahdin in Baxter State Park to the New Hampshire state line in one planning guide and seven water- and tear-resistant maps. The pocket-sized planning guide contains background information, points of interest, and road-access directions. Each map is focused on the Appalachian Trail and overlaps with the neighboring maps. The surrounding area and additional side trails are also included. An easy-to-use elevation profile shows the ups and downs and the distance to the next campsite or shelter, side trails, and water sources. For added interest, maps indicate road crossings, waterfalls, and scenic areas. Maps are both water- and tear-resistant.
- Map 1: Katahdin to South End of Nahmakanta Lake Published by the Maine Appalachian Trail Club. Four-color, 1:62,500-scale topographic maps with 50 feet contour intervals. Revised in 2021.
- Map 2: Nahmakanta Lake to West Branch of the Pleasant River Published by the Maine Appalachian Trail Club. Four-color, 1:62,500-scale topographic maps with 50 feet contour intervals. Revised in 2021.
- Map 3: West Branch of the Pleasant River to Monson Published by the Maine Appalachian Trail Club. Four-color, 1:62,500-scale topographic maps with 50 feet contour intervals. Revised in 2021.
- Map 4: Monson to the Kennebec River Published by the Maine Appalachian Trail Club. Four-color, 1:62,500-scale topographic maps with 50 feet contour intervals. Revised in 2021.
- Map 5: Kennebec River to Maine Highway 27 Published by the Maine Appalachian Trail Club. Four-color, 1:62,500-scale topographic maps with 50 feet contour intervals. Revised in 2021.
- Map 6: Maine Highway 27 to Maine Highway 17 Published by the Maine Appalachian Trail Club. Four-color, 1:62,500-scale topographic maps with 50 feet contour intervals. Revised in 2021.
- Map 7: Maine Highway 17 to Maine/New Hampshire State Line Published by the Maine Appalachian Trail Club. Four-color, 1:62,500-scale topographic maps with 50 feet contour intervals. Revised in 2021.
Book and 7 maps:
- $27.96 MATC Members (with 20% discount)
- $34.95 Non-members
Shipping and handling (with or without maps):
- $7.00 for 1 copies
- $10.00 for 2-6 copies
Discounted 15th Edition Guidebooks

We still have a limited quantity of the 15th Edition Appalachian Trail Guide to Maine at a discounted price.
15th Edition Book and 7 maps:
- $12.00 with 7 maps
- $5.00 only Guidebook and no maps
Shipping and handling (with or without maps):
- $7.00 for 1 copies
- $10.00 for 2-6 copies
Along Maine’s Appalachian Trail
by David B. Field

Maine native Myron H. Avery recruited friends from Washington, DC; Maine forest and warden service personnel; guides and sporting camp operators; and the Civilian Conservation Corps to extend the Appalachian Trail through Maine, despite questions of whether it would be possible to carve a trail through the state’s wildlands. Volunteers of Maine’s Appalachian Trail Club, created by Avery in 1935, have since maintained the trail, built shelters, relocated more than half of the original hastily constructed route, and taken on the task of managing the trail’s protection corridor. Along Maine’s Appalachian Trail illustrates the rich history of the trail’s rugged mountains and vast forests, which have provided a livelihood for generations of workers and communities.
David B. Field, retired University of Maine professor of Forest Resources, has maintained six miles of the Appalachian Trail for 54 years.He has served as an officer of the Maine Appalachian Trail Club and on the board of managers of the Appalachian Trail Conference. The images in Along Maine’s Appalachian Trail come primarily from the MATC archives, Maine State Library, and the author’s personal files.
- $20.00 MATC Members (20% discount)
- $25.00 Non-members
Shipping and handling:
- $7.00 for 1 copies
- $10.00 for 2-6 copies

Order Individual Printed Maps
- Map 1: Katahdin to South End of Nahmakanta Lake Published by the Maine Appalachian Trail Club. Four-color, 1:62,500-scale topographic maps with 50 feet contour intervals. Revised in 2021.
- Map 2: Nahmakanta Lake to West Branch of the Pleasant River Published by the Maine Appalachian Trail Club. Four-color, 1:62,500-scale topographic maps with 50 feet contour intervals. Revised in 2021.
- Map 3: West Branch of the Pleasant River to Monson Published by the Maine Appalachian Trail Club. Four-color, 1:62,500-scale topographic maps with 50 feet contour intervals. Revised in 2021.
- Map 4: Monson to the Kennebec River Published by the Maine Appalachian Trail Club. Four-color, 1:62,500-scale topographic maps with 50 feet contour intervals. Revised in 2021.
- Map 5: Kennebec River to Maine Highway 27 Published by the Maine Appalachian Trail Club. Four-color, 1:62,500-scale topographic maps with 50 feet contour intervals. Revised in 2021.
- Map 6: Maine Highway 27 to Maine Highway 17 Published by the Maine Appalachian Trail Club. Four-color, 1:62,500-scale topographic maps with 50 feet contour intervals. Revised in 2021.
- Map 7: Maine Highway 17 to Maine/New Hampshire State Line Published by the Maine Appalachian Trail Club. Four-color, 1:62,500-scale topographic maps with 50 feet contour intervals. Revised in 2021.
- $6.40 per map for MATC Members (20% discount)
- $8.00 per map for Non-Members
Discounted 15th Edition Maps Available
We have a limited supply of the previous edition maps available at a discounted price.
- $4.00 per map
- $1.00 shipping per map
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- MATC Patch
- $5.00
- MATC Pin
- $8.75

- MATC Sticker
- $1.20

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- For MATC Guidebooks, Maps and Accessories see MATC Store above.